1. Particle Physics Seminar

    "Nue appearance analysis in NOvA"

    Presented by Jianming Bian, University of Minnesota

    Thursday, March 26, 2015, 3 pm
    Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

    Hosted by: Elizabeth Worcester

    The NOvA experiment is a long base-line accelerator based neutrino oscillation experiment. It uses the upgraded NuMI beam from Fermilab and measures electron neutrino appearance and muon neutrino disappearance at its far detector in Ash River, Minnesota. Goals of the experiment include measurements of theta13, mass hierarchy and the CP violating phase. NOvA has begun to take neutrino data and first neutrino candidates are observed in its far detector. This talk provides an introduction to the scientific reach of the experiment, the detector construction and the nue appearance analysis, as well as the first data in near and far detectors.