General Lab Information

OMC Access and Services During Resumption of Operations

Brookhaven Lab's Occupational Medicine Clinic (OMC), located in Bldg. 490, has changed its procedures for scheduling routine visits, and how it responds to unexpected illness or injury that occurs on the Lab site, to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19. These changes have been implemented to help protect the health of OMC staff and all visitors.

Scheduling an Appointment for Routine Services

The OMC's hours of operation are 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. 

The OMC is not accepting walk-in visits. Instead, an appointment is required for all non-urgent services. These include return-to-work evaluations, follow-up visits (including review of work restrictions), blood work and other clinical tests (such as hearing tests), and physical exams. Please schedule an appointment by calling Ext. 3670 during the OMC's hours of operation.

The OMC is not providing non-occupational courtesy services, such as consultations for personal medical conditions, at this time.

Arriving at the OMC for a Scheduled Appointment

The OMC'S front door will be locked at all times. When you have a scheduled appointment for routine services and arrive at the OMC front entrance, call Ext. 3670 from the vestibule phone. A member of the OMC staff will speak with you and confirm your visit before letting you enter OMC. You must wear a lab approved face covering throughout your visit, unless directed otherwise by OMC staff.

Please be on time for your appointment. This is to prevent overcrowding inside the OMC. If you are late, you may need to reschedule your appointment.

Do not come to OMC if you are ill. Instead, notify the OMC at Ext. 3670 and your supervisor, leave the Lab site--or stay home if you are already there—and contact your health care provider. If you have a fever or are experiencing any symptoms that may indicate a COVID-19 infection, such as cough or shortness of breath, follow the Sick Staff Member/Presumed COVID-19 Positive Case checklist.

Appointment Process Once Inside OMC

If you feel well, you can proceed to the OMC for your scheduled appointment. Follow the instructions in the vestibule to gain entry (dial Ext. 3670 from vestibule phone).

The waiting room and phlebotomy areas have been re-configured to comply with social distancing requirements that help people remain at least six feet apart. Whenever possible, try to maintain six feet of separation between yourself and others while at the OMC.

When your appointment is over, you'll be asked to exit the OMC by way of the Clinical Lab, into the Bldg. 490 main lobby.

Guidance on Urgent (Non-routine) Services

If, while at work, an employee falls ill or is injured, if it appears their condition warrants ambulance transport and evaluation/treatment at a hospital emergency department, immediately call Ext. 2222 for an emergency response.

An employee with less severe symptoms of illness should notify their supervisor, go home, and consult with their health care provider.

If an employee falls ill with any COVID-19 symptoms while at home or at work, the employee and their supervisor or manager must follow the procedures outlined in the Sick Staff Member/Presumed COVID-19 Positive Case checklist.

If a Lab worker or contractor sustains an injury on Lab site that does not require ambulance transport, the worker must notify their supervisor immediately. Before arriving at the OMC, their supervisor or designee must call Ext. 3670 to report the injury. Be sure to provide the injured worker's name and life number or guest/user/subcontractor number.

Upon arrival, an OMC clinician will evalute the injured worker at the front door to escort them to a treatment room for evaluation. The accompanying supervisor or designee will be directed follow up with the injured worker after completing OMC injury intake unless injury warrants need to remain at the OMC.

If the injured employee is a member of the bargaining unit, they or an OMC nurse will notify their union representative. To prevent crowding, the union representative should not come to OMC unless absolutely necessary. Instead, they should talk with the injured employee by phone or meet with them outside of the OMC.

Accident investigations are not to be conducted at OMC

Supervisors should call ahead to speak with the OMC Manager or Deputy Manager if they feel an employee must be seen at OMC for any other urgent matter, such as reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol use. They will generally be instructed to bring the employee to OMC and wait while the employee is being evaluated.

Prioritizing Appointments During Resumption of Operations

During the Resumption of Operations Phase, the OMC will prioritize scheduling appointments in order of urgency, as follows:

  1. Return-to-work clearances after illness or injury: Call the OMC Ext. 3670 to speak with a nurse if you plan to return soon. Not all return-to-work clearances require an in-person OMC visit. If one is needed, it must be scheduled, and the nurse will transfer you to the OMC's scheduling personnel.
  2. Preplacement exams: Candidates for some positions receive a hire offer contingent upon passing a preplacement exam with OMC. These must be scheduled promptly by Human Resources and OMC to avoid any delay in filling these positions.
  3. Mandatory exams that must be performed yearly according to regulation, such as for HAZWOPR, firefighter, security officer/police officer, OSHA noise, and others.
  4. Other mandatory exams where regulation does not specify exam frequency, such as for riggers/rigging, mobile crane operators, respirator, vertical ladder, and others.

If you have received notification that your mandatory medical surveillance has expired and you have not yet been contacted by OMC to set up an exam, call Ext. 3670.

Please direct all questions about the OMC's procedures to OMC Manager Joe Falco at or Ext. 3666.