Abram Ledbetter

DEI Specialist and Research Fellow

When people feel well, they’re more apt to perform well. A part of wellness in the workplace is being valued, respected, and treated fairly. When the right conditions are in place, that wellness can grow into a sense of belonging. This is the essence of what DEI-mindedness strives to achieve.

Concepts such as “respect” are fairly simple to understand, but in practice, we all have blind spots—sometimes situational—that can impede our best intentions. Ensuring that everyone feels respected and included takes practice until fluid “muscle memory” towards inclusive behavior prevails over clumsy attempts through mechanical steps.

The DEI Development programs I manage in the office approach personal and team wellness via: DEI Training Development, DEI Mental Health & Wellness Development, and DEI Talent Development. The first two aid our retention efforts, while the last aids our recruitment efforts by emphasizing strategic mentorship, which is vital for the student and postdoctoral talent that we identify from underutilized groups.