1. NSLS-II Friday Lunchtime Seminar

    "Magnetic skyrmions at room temperature - statics, dynamics, and high resolution imaging"

    Presented by Dr. Felix Buttner, Dept of Mat Sci & Eng , MIT

    Friday, December 7, 2018, 12 pm
    NSLS-II Bldg 743 Room 156

    Hosted by: Ignace Jarrige

    Magnetic skyrmions are the smallest non-trivial entities in magnetism with great potential for data storage applications. These chiral and topological quasi-particles furthermore exhibit fascinating static and dynamical properties that render them the ideal candidates to study new physics in high spin-orbit coupling materials. In this talk, I will first give a general introduction to the field of skyrmionics and the fundamental properties of skyrmions that derive from their energetics. I will then discuss various ways of creating and stabilizing room-temperature skyrmions experimentally, as well as how we can move them and observe their topological dynamics via high resolution time-resolved x-ray imaging. I will conclude with perspectives of future research in this field and related areas.