May 10, 2000



Dr. Thomas Kirk and Dr. Satoshi Ozaki

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Upton, NY 11973-5000

Dear Tom and Satoshi:

Re: Final Installation of Phobos Silicon Detectors

Following your request, we have revisited in detail the time we will need to install the final configuration of the Phobos silicon detectors. As a result of our experience gained in partial installations we feel that it should be possible to complete the installation in a total of 6 days. This is a no-contingency estimate. If absolutely necessary, this could be split into two periods, one of 4 days of installing the detectors and one of 2 days of surveying. The survey is essential to our ability to analyze the data and should not be delayed by more than a few days following the completion of the installation. A breakdown of the required tasks and schedule of the work is enclosed.

The schedule is driven, among other things, by the availability of the installation experts during the day and the testing at night. The schedule assumes that we have absolute control of our IR area during the installation and testing period and the availability of the surveyors during the 2 survey days. The schedule also assumes that all the silicon detectors and related tools are moved to and temporarily stored in the counting house. This requires about 2-3 days warning before the actual installation can take place.



Wit Busza and Bolek Wyslouch

Phobos Spokesman and Project Manager


  1. John Harris

Tom Ludlam

Yousef Makdisi

Phil Pile

Thomas Roser

Flemming Videbaek

Bill Zajc

Phobos Collaboration