<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% ' ' Get Input parameters, allow for multiple refreshing ' ndate=CStr(Request("ndate")) ' ' FEC # ' If IsEmpty(Request.Form("fec_number")) Then fec_number=1 Else fec_number=CInt(Request.Form("fec_number")) End If ' ' FEC String ' If IsEmpty(Request.Form("fec_string")) Then fec_string=0 Else fec_string=CInt(Request.Form("fec_string")) End If ' ' FEC Channel ' If IsEmpty(Request.Form("chan")) Then chan=0 Else chan=CInt(Request.Form("chan")) End If ' response.write(" fec number " & CStr(fec_number) & " string " & CStr(fec_string) & " channel " & CStr(chan)) Set Connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Connection.Mode = adModeRead Connection.Open phdb_rd SQLStmt = " select to_char(to_date('" & ndate & "','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ddate from dual" ' response.write(SQLStmt & "
" & vbCrLf) Set RS = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt) ddate=CStr(RS("ddate")) Set RS=nothing SQLStmt = "select GEO_SENSOR,SENSOR_TYPE,SENSOR_ROW,SENSOR_COLUMN, " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " BONDING_PATTERN,PAD,CHIP_NUMBER,CHIP_TYPE " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " from ASSEMBLY.FEC_MAP " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " where reqdate=to_date('" & ndate & "','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " and fec_number=" & CStr(fec_number) SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " and fec_string=" & CStr(fec_string) SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " and chan=" & CStr(chan) ' response.write(SQLStmt & "
" & vbCrLf) Set RS = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt) ' ' Expect just one row, if more than one row then this means trouble... (in this script only) ' If Not RS.EOF Then geo_sensor=CStr(RS("GEO_SENSOR")) sensor_type=CStr(RS("SENSOR_TYPE")) sensor_row=CStr(RS("SENSOR_ROW")) sensor_column=CStr(RS("SENSOR_COLUMN")) Else geo_sensor="Unknown" End if %> FEC To Sensor
Sensor To FEC (slow)
Map: <%=ddate%>
FEC# String Channel
size="4"> size="4"> size="4">
<% If geo_sensor<>"Unknown" Then response.write(" Sensor " & geo_sensor & " Row " & sensor_row & " Column " & sensor_column & "") Else response.write(" Channel not in the database ") End If %>

<% Connection.Close Set Connection=nothing Set RS=nothing %>