<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% Set Connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Connection.Mode = adModeRead Connection.Open phdb_rd_repl SQLStmt = "select af.STARTDATE,af.GEO_MOD,af.SHYBRID_NPOS,af.SWURST_ID,af.FEC_NUMBER,af.FEC_STRING, " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " to_char(af.STARTDATE,'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi') chardate " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " from ASSEMBLY.FEC_CONNECT af " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " ORDER BY af.GEO_MOD,af.SHYBRID_NPOS,af.STARTDATE,af.swurst_id " Set RS = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt) ' response.write(SQLStmt) %> History of FEC connections

History of FEC connections

FEC-module assignment algorithm. At this moment this is done by experts only in ASSEMBLY.FEC_CONNECT table in Oracle Database. To allow the non-experts to understand what is going on this is the description of the algorithm used to attach FEC's to modules

Each geometrical module corresponds to one cable carrying two strings. FEC table keeps track of both strings separately. So connecting one cable requires adding two lines to the table.

 <% geo_old="XXXXXX" Do While Not RS.EOF If Not CStr(RS("GEO_MOD"))=geo_old Then If Not geo_old="XXXXXX" Then Response.write("

") End If %>

<% geo_old=CStr(RS("GEO_MOD")) End If %> <% RS.Movenext Loop %>

Geometrical Module

Hybrid Position

Wurst ID FEC # FEC String FEC connector Start Date
"><%=RS("GEO_MOD")%> <%=RS("SHYBRID_NPOS")%> <%=RS("SWURST_ID")%> <%=RS("FEC_NUMBER")%> <%=RS("FEC_STRING")%> <%response.write(round((CInt(RS("FEC_STRING"))-0.1)/2,0))%> <%=RS("CHARDATE")%>
<% Connection.Close %>