Analysis Trees (AnTs) for PHOBOS

Analysis trees (AnTs) have been made for PHOBOS to use. The advantage of analysis trees over event based PhoHit files is that not all of the information in an event must be read in using AnTs (a single branch of the analysis tree can be read in) where as PhoHit files require a whole event to be read in for usage. AnTs are particularly useful with PROOF. A copy of a talk given at a PHOBOS biweekly meeting describing PROOF and AnTs can be found here: PROOF_and_AnT_in_PHOBOS. There is also a copy of a talk given at a meeting describing AnTs and TAM (Modules).

AnTs are just normal trees containing objects. To look at AnTs, one must load '' into ROOT. AnTs are made from the information in a PhoHit file by TPhAnTMakerMod. The actual object used in a PhoHit file to fill the information in an AnT is controlled by a module setup file. For PR04 200 GeV AuAu data the file is PR04AuAu200AnT_setup.C. A brief list of the contents of an AnT, as of tag PASS00_ONLV_5_0_15, follows. That tag was specific for PR04 200 GeV AuAu data. Branch names in parentheses were implemented but do not exist for AuAu data. Follow the links to the classes to get more detailed information.

For information on how to analyze AnT data, see the documentation for Tree-Analysis Modules.


Branch Name Class Description
eventInfo TPhAnTEventInfo Holds event bookkeeping information.


or ppEvtSel)



or TPhAnTppEvtSel)

Holds event selection information (depending on run type).
triggerInfo TPhAnTTriggerInfo Holds low level trigger information (L0, L1, and extra bits).
paddleInfo TPhAnTPdlInfo Holds summary paddle information (truncated means, sums, time differences, ...).
zdcInfo TPhAnTZDCInfo Holds summary zdc information (sums and times).
pcalNzRawInfo TPhAnTPcalRawInfo Holds raw ADC information for the negative Pcal.
pcalNzInfo TPhAnTPcalInfo Holds calibrated ADC information for the negative Pcal.
pcalPzRawInfo TPhAnTPcalRawInfo Holds raw ADC information for the positive Pcal.
pcalPzInfo TPhAnTPcalInfo Holds calibrated ADC information for the positive Pcal.
centrality TPhAnTCentrality Holds information used to determine the event centrality.
TOFEventData TPhAnTTOFEventData Holds event based TOF information.
T0EventData TPhAnTT0EventData Holds event based T0 information.
(SpecTrgEventData) (TPhAnTSpecTrgEventData) Holds event based SpecTrg information.
SpecCalEventData TPhAnTSpecCalEventData Holds event based SpecCal information.
vtxArray TPhAnTVtxArray Holds an array of vertices (of class TPhAnTVertex) determined by separate methods.
OcthitArrayArray TClonesArray Holds an array of hit arrays (of class TPhAnTOctSensorHitArray) for the octagon sensors.
RinghitArrayArray TClonesArray Holds an array of hit arrays (of class TPhAnTRingSensorHitArray) for the ring sensors.
IVhitArrayArray TClonesArray Holds an array of hit arrays (of class TPhAnTIVSensorHitArray) for the inner vertex sensors.
OVhitArrayArray TClonesArray Holds an array of hit arrays (of class TPhAnTOVSensorHitArray) for the outer vertex sensors.
hitArray TClonesArray Holds an array of spectrometer hits (of class TPhAnTHit).
trkArray TClonesArray Holds an array of full spectrometer tracks (of class TPhAnTTrack).
TOFHitArray TClonesArray Holds an array of TOF hits (of class TPhAnTTOFHit).
(SpecTrigHitArray) (TClonesArray) Holds an array of Spectrig hits (of class TPhAnTSpecTrigHit).
SpecTOFTrkArray TClonesArray Holds an array of spectrometer tracks (of class TPhAnTSpecTOFTrack) matched with TOF hits.

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