PHOBOS Scratch area on RCF

Use the area pointed to by the SCR environment variable.
(  This is currently /phobos/data01/disk20000/phobos/scratch, which is symlinked to /disk20000/phobos/scratch, but this may change without very much warning.)

Read the file $SCR/AAREADME for details about the use of this area. In particular, please use the find_scratch script and the Unix ln (Note: not ln -s, just ln) command to make a hard link and avoid putting the same file on this disk multiple times. 

NOTE: A lot of data can already be found in: engrun, calib, or pedestal subdirectories.

NOTE: The file protection scheme in this directory is a bit obscure. If you have trouble
accessing files written by someone else, bug George Heintzelman, until he documents
this business.