How do I use the standard Phobos setup?

To set up the standard Phobos environment on RCF, the following actions need to be taken. Alternatives separated by a '/' are intended for users of different shells, with those before the / for the csh-descendant users (the default on RCF) and those after for sh-descendant users. <shell> should be replaced by the name of your shell. (eg, tcsh or ksh). I strongly recommend making backup copies of all changed files before doing this, and verifying that it works with a second login *before* logging out the first.

1) At the beginning of your .login/.profile, put the command (note the backtick quotes):
eval `/phobos/common/bin/phobos_setup <shell>`

2) Put into your .cshrc/subsidiary rc script the command (note the backtick quotes):
eval `/phobos/common/bin/phobos_alias <shell>`

3) Remove from your .login/.profile and .cshrc/subsidary rc scripts any changes to environment variables set up by the standard setup (see below), including additions to your path necessitated by these; the standard takes care of this. Make sure that any changes you later make to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH include all elements previously included, for example by doing:

4) Interactively (or if you wish, in your .login/subsidiary scripts after the setup) to change the currently active of Phat or Root, you may do:
setphat <phat top directory>
setroot <root top directory>

These commands remove the old phat/root settings from your $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and insert the new ones, as well as setting the appropriate variables.

The environment variables defined by the standard startup at present are:

SCR                      # Standard Phobos scratch area
ROOTSYS                 # And attendant path setting
PHATHOME                # And attendant path setting
LD_LIBRARY_PATH         # With the root/phat useages.
OPENGL                  # For use by root
CVS_RSH                 # These three are for CVS setup.
ORACLE_HOME             # Oracle Package
PARASOFT                # For Insure package
CERNLIB                 # For use compiling PhatPMC

setroot and setphat are defined using the alias facility of the shells.

To further encourage use, I emphasize that I will not help debug phat, root, or RCF environment problems if you do not use this setup.

George Heintzelman