Inefficiency of the Multiplicity detector

I have noticed recently, that the sizes of the silicon planes in the octagon and vertex detectors have changed. The planes became narrower in the x-y direction (perpendicular to the beam direction) without any change of the position of the center of the planes. I became curious if this does not result in gaps in the octagon for fixed phi emission angles.

To study this I have performed simple simulations of 20 central Hijet charged pions only without any physics but multiple scattering and without magnetic field. Thus the particles were never stopped and in principle all of them should hit one of the detectors. The simulations were done for two geometries: version 3.6 (with wider planes) and the latest version 3.7.

The results are the following:

  all pions without any hits %
geometry V3.6 124949 17569 14.1 %
geometry v3.7: vertex = 0 124949 19500 15.6 %
geometry v3.7: vertex = -10 124949 14170 11.3 %
geometry v3.7: vertex = +10 124949 16620 13.3 %

There is some increase of the number of charged pions without any hits, but not very large. To check which particles were not registered the following plots were done:

There are four inefficient areas, which were already foreseen in the detector design:

In addition to them there are many undetected pions for some fixed phi values (Fig. 2). The inefficiency for such phi bin exceeds sometimes 50 %. More details can be seen on the scatter plots (fig.3-6). The big black area in the middle is the spectrometer window. Dots on the left and right sides of the picture are due to particles emitted at very small angles. There are also lines or even bands of particles for fixed phi (horizontal) or eta (vertical) values. The horizontal bands are caused by the non overlapping of the octagon planes. The vertical bands prove, that the first vertex plane is separated from the neighbour octagon plane. In addition to the footprints of the windows or gaps in the detector there are several separate point in quite unexpected areas. These are due to particles (low momentum probably) that scattered at an large angle in the beam pipe and completely changed their direction.

In order to describe precisely the contributions of different inefficiency sources particles without hits were divided into groups depending on the area they fit:

  spectrometer window high eta all other
geometry V3.6 11716 9.4% 1560 1.2% 4293 3.4%
geometry V3.7 11731 9.4% 1559 1.2% 6210 5.0%

The largest number of particles escapes undetected through both spectrometer windows, but a significant fraction of particles can also find the way between the octagon planes. After the last modifications this fraction increased from 3.4% to 5.0% of all charged pions.


It would be good to check once more if we can not make the octagon and vertex detector "hermetic" as many particles go between the planes. One may also consider to make the spectrometer window smaller, there is always a significant gap between the first spectrometer plane and the negative eta boundary of the window.

Figures location

The files containing postscript versions of the figures are in: Directory DISK$CSC:[WOZNIAK.MULT]