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Syntax Rules for Configuration Files

This appendix describes the syntax rules for configuration files. Following these rules is extremely important; even small errors in formatting make a configuration file unusable. For this reason, Oracle Corporation strongly recommends the use of the Oracle Network Manager whenever possible. Not only is using the tool faster, easier, and more accurate than creating the files by hand, but Oracle supports only files that can be reproduced using the tool (except for SQLNET.ORA and PROTOCOL.ORA files, which contain parameters that can be included only through manual editing).

This appendix also includes information about the acceptable characters to use in various components of the files.

The contents of the files are described in detail in Appendix A.

Keyword-Value Pair Syntax

Most of the configuration files required in a SQL*Net version 2 network are made up in part of parameters followed by keyword-value pairs. Keyword-value pairs following parameters are surrounded by parentheses:

parameter = (keyword=value)

Some keywords have other keyword-value pairs as their values; in these cases, the group of keyword-value pairs that logically belong together are surrounded by parentheses:


For example, the address portion of a TNSNAMES.ORA file might include the following lines:


Oracle Corporation recommends that you set up the files so that indentation reflects what keyword is the "parent" or "owner" of other keyword-value pairs. This format is not required, but it does make the files much easier to read and understand. This is the format that Network Manager generates.

Even if you do not choose to indent your files in this way, you must indent a wrapped line by at least one space, or it will be misread as a new parameter. The following layout is acceptable:


The following layout is not acceptable:


Further Syntax Rules for TNS Configuration Files

The following rules apply to the syntax of configuration files:

		(COMMUNITY = "West Central") 

Network Character Set

The network character set consists of the following characters. Values given for keywords must be made up only of characters in this set. Connect descriptors must be made up of single-byte characters.

		A-Z, a-z
		( ) < > / \ 
		, . : ; ' " = - _ 
		$ + * # & ! % ? @ 

Within this character set, the following symbols are reserved:

		(  ) = \ " ' # 

Reserved symbols should be used only as delimiters, not as part of a keyword or a value unless the keyword or value is quoted. Either single or double quotes can be used to enclose a value containing reserved symbols. To include a quote within a value that is surrounded by quotes, use different quote types. The backslash (\) is used as an escape character.

A specific example of the use of reserved symbols is in a numeric DECnet object within a DECnet address. As defined by DECnet, an OBJECT can be a name such as ABC or a value such as #123. These would be entered in the form:




The numeric DECnet object requires a symbol that is reserved by TNS. Because # is a reserved symbol, the character must be preceded by a backslash. See the Oracle Protocol Adapter information for your platform for further details on DECnet.

The following characters can be used within the structure of a connect descriptor, but cannot be part of a keyword or value:

		<space> <tab> <CR> <newline>

Service Name Character Set

The listener name, service name, and Interchange names used in TNS configuration files are limited to the following character set:

[a...z] [A...Z] [0...9] _ 

The first character in a service name must be an alphabetic character. The number of characters allowed is platform specific; in general, however, up to 64 characters is acceptable. A database service name must match the global database name defined by the DBA. It consists of a database name (originally limited to eight characters), and the database domains. Service names and global database names are not case sensitive.

Note: Network Manager uses periods (.) when it appends domains to the names you enter, but it does not accept periods in the name you provide.

Creating the LISTENER.ORA File

The LISTENER.ORA file describes the location of the listener, the services it listens for, and various control parameters. The contents of this file are described fully in Appendix A. This section describes the format of the file.

Placement of the Listener Name

The listener name must begin in the left-most column of a line, with no empty spaces preceding it.

Defining the Listener Addresses

The first section of LISTENER.ORA includes listener addresses. Network listener addresses are entered in the LISTENER.ORA file in the following form:

				[(COMMUNITY=community name)]
				(PROTOCOL=protocol name)
				(protocol specific information))
				[(COMMUNITY=community name)]
				(PROTOCOL=protocol name)
				(protocol specific information)))] 

If the listener is listening on only one protocol, the ADDRESS_LIST keyword is not required; a single ADDRESS entry is sufficient. For a single community the form is:

			[(COMMUNITY=community name)]
			(PROTOCOL=protocol name)
			(protocol specific information)) 

The listener is able to listen on more than one protocol. For example, if the host machine is running both TCP/IP and DECnet (that is, it is in both a TCP/IP and a DECnet community), the listener on that machine has an address that includes both protocols.

IPC Addresses

In addition to listening on protocols, the listener listens on at least two IPC addresses that must be defined. In one, the key value is equal to the service name. This IPC address is used for connections from other applications on the same node. In the other IPC address, the key value is equal to the database system identifier (SID), which is described in the next section. This IPC address is used by the database dispatcher to identify the listener.

Note: If the service name is the same as the SID, only one IPC address is needed, and only one is generated by Network Manager.

Sample Listener Addresses


If you are creating the LISTENER.ORA file manually, and if there is only one community in your network, then the COMMUNITY keyword is optional for the listener, since listening is always performed on the local machine. You do, however, have the option to include it for consistency with your other connect descriptors. If you are using Network Manager you must provide the COMMUNITY keyword, but it is not included in the LISTENER.ORA file that is generated.

Describing the Databases on the Listener

The second section of the LISTENER.ORA file describes the system identifiers (SIDs) of the databases served by the listener. It is made up of keyword-value pairs as follows:


The SID_LIST keyword is required only if there is more than one database instance installed on the machine. In this format, SID is the Oracle system ID of the database server. In the next keyword-value pair, the keyword is operating system specific: it is indicated here as the variable operating_system_specific_string. Its value, indicated here as db_location, is the specific location of the database executables.

LISTENER.ORA Control Parameters

The third section of the LISTENER.ORA file contains a list of parameters that control the behavior of the listener. The parameters are entered in the following format:


Do not allow any empty spaces on the line before the parameter name. Parentheses do not need to surround the parameter-value pairs.

Creating the TNSNAMES.ORA File

The TNSNAMES.ORA file contains the names and addresses of all the services on the network. The service names of databases are mapped to connect descriptors that describe their location on the network. Similarly, the service names of Interchanges are listed with their addresses on the network. The contents of this file are described fully in Appendix A. This section describes the format of the file.

Note: TNSNAMES.ORA file is not needed if the network includes Oracle Names.

Placement of the Service Names

The service name must begin in the first space of a line to be parsed correctly. If you are editing the TNSNAMES.ORA file manually, be sure there are no spaces preceding the service name.

Connect Descriptors

Every database requires a connect descriptor. Database connect descriptors commonly consist of two sections:


The application address is the information required to reach the application within a given protocol environment. A sample valid ADDRESS is:


An address is a set of keyword-value pairs related to a specific application. The keyword ADDRESS is shown at a different indentation, to show that it is the parent or owner of the other keywords. Each set of keyword-value pairs is surrounded by parentheses as shown. In this example, the protocol is identified as TCP/IP. TCP/IP requires two specific parameters: the name of the host computer as defined in TCP/IP, and the PORT number allocated to the network listener. (This may vary depending on what Oracle Network Manager generates. For example, for TCP, the port 1526 might be generated. In SQL*Net version 1, the port was usually 1525.)

For the parameters specific to other protocols, see the Oracle operating system-specific documentation for your platform.


SQL*Net uses the CONNECT_DATA keyword to denote the system identifier (SID) and global database name of the remote database. When SQL*Net on the server side receives the connection request, TNS passes the CONNECT_DATA contents to the listener, which identifies the desired database. For SQL*Net use, sample CONNECT_DATA might look like:


CONNECT_DATA is a protocol-independent keyword indicating that application-specific data will be supplied at connect time. You must specify the SID in the CONNECT DATA section of the connect descriptor. In SQL*net 2.3, you are also expected to provide the global database name, which is made up of the database name and database domain from the database parameter file.

Interchange Addresses

A connect descriptor for an Interchange consists of only one section: an ADDRESS_LIST section. Within the ADDRESS_LIST section all the addresses of the Interchange are listed, including the required protocol specific keywords.

There is no CONNECT_DATA section in the connect descriptor of an Interchange.

Note: Interchange names and addresses are optional in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. However, they are needed if you wish to access Interchanges from clients using the Interchange Control Utility. Oracle Network Manager automatically includes them in the TNSNAMES.ORA files it generates.

Creating the SQLNET.ORA File for Clients and Servers

SQLNET.ORA is made up primarily of simple keyword-value pairs. Each keyword-value pair starts at the left-most column of a line, with no empty spaces preceding it. If the keyword-value pair consists of a single word or a concatenation of words on either side of the equal sign, no parentheses are needed. Spaces around the equal sign are optional.

Similarly, if you do not want to use IPC addresses and you do not want to use the multi-threaded server, you would add the following keyword-value pairs to the file:


This syntax applies to all the parameters you might need to add manually to the SQLNET.ORA file.

If the network includes Oracle Names, the SQLNET.ORA file also contains addresses of the Names Servers preferred by the client or server. These addresses are entered by Network Manager and should not be edited. They have the same syntax as addresses in the LISTENER.ORA file described earlier. For example, a server in a TCP/IP community might have a preferred Names Server listed as follows:

names.preferred_servers =
			(Host = iris.west.acme.com)
			(Port = 1522)
name.preferred_servers =
			(Host = iris.west.acme.com)
			(Port = 1522)

The address is listed twice with slightly different keywords to provide backward compatibility to an earlier version.

Note: Do not edit the addresses of preferred Names Servers manually. Create and modify them using the Oracle Network Manager.

Creating the PROTOCOL.ORA File

The PROTOCOL.ORA file follows the same rules of syntax as the SQLNET.ORA file. The PROTOCOL.ORA file must be created manually. See Appendix A in this manual and the Oracle operating system-specific documentation for your platforms for information about the contents of the PROTOCOL.ORA file.

Creating the TNSNAV.ORA File for Clients and Servers

If you do not have an Interchange in your network, you do not need to use the TNSNAV.ORA file, although Network Manager generates one automatically.


This section is required in every TNSNAV.ORA file. It is simply a list of the communities of which the node is a member. The COMMUNITY_LIST keyword is required only if there is more than one community.

Format of TNSNAV.ORA

This file uses the keyword-value pair syntax described for the TNSNAMES.ORA file earlier in this chapter. Groups of keyword-value pairs that logically belong together are surrounded by parentheses.


For example, on a client that is a member of two communities, the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA may appear as:


For a client that is a member of just the Named Pipes community indicated, the following entries are equivalent:




Keywords used within PREFERRED_CMANAGERS

Within the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS section, one or more CMANAGERs are listed, specifying which Connection Managers should be used as the first hop for multi-community connections in order from most preferred to least preferred. The entry takes the form:

				  (protocol specific information))) 
				  (protocol specific information)))]
 			  [ )]

In this syntax:


Indicates that one or more descriptions of a Connection Manager follow, each identified by the keyword CMANAGER. This keyword is preceded by a left parenthesis, and finished with a right parenthesis following the last Connection Manager described. Where only one CMANAGER follows, this keyword is optional.


Indicates that a Connection Manager is described following the keyword. The CMANAGER_NAME and the TNS address of the associated Connection Manager follow. At least one CMANAGER must be defined for any client or server that uses an Interchange.


Indicates the name of a Connection Manager. (The Connection Manager and the Interchange are usually referred to by the same name.)


Indicates the address of the Connection Manager named in the CMANAGER_NAME parameter. Note that the Connection Manager has its own address for receiving connections on the Interchange machine. This is not the same as the address of a TNS listener if there is one on that machine.

Oracle Network Manager will supply the correct keywords and format for this configuration file; it will prompt you to supply the needed values for each CMANAGER_NAME and ADDRESS.

Sample TNSNAV.ORA File

The following sample TNSNAV.ORA file is for clients and servers in a DECnet community. There are two Interchanges available in this community.

        (ADDRESS = 
          (PROTOCOL = DECNET)
          (NODE = IRIS.WORLD)
          (OBJECT = CMAN)
        (ADDRESS = 
          (PROTOCOL = DECNET)
          (NODE = DAISY.WORLD)
          (OBJECT = CMAN)

Further Examples

For examples of all the configuration files required in a network using SQL*Net and the Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange, see Appendix B of Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide

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