August 17, update on some ER alignment activities - S.M.

Plot below is same as residual plot shown by Inkyu on Monday except it has aforementioned bug fixed and includes more data.

plot4.gif (12482 bytes)

The plot below shows the x residual on layer 3 as a function of local x (top) and local y (middle).  The bottom plot shows local x vs. local y.

plot5.gif (15409 bytes)

The plot below shows the y residual as a function of local x (top) and local y (middle).  The bottom plot is a repeat of the one above.

plot6.gif (15045 bytes)

The plot below shows the sum of the deposited energy in the three associated hits that make up each track.  The top plot uses the energy of each hit with no angular correction.  The bottom plot scales the energy of the hits according to track angle of incidence.  The scaling is such that the deposited energy reported here is that the track would have at normal incidence to each of the silicon planes.

plot8.gif (10143 bytes)

The plot below shows the energy depostion (with angular correction) for tracks in each of the three planes.

plot9.gif (9959 bytes)

Now, I remove all tracks with a total summed energy deposition (after angular correction) > 0.0003.  Below you see the residual plot.

plot4denormsumcut.gif (12954 bytes)

With the same cut in place, here is the layer energy plot again

plot9denormsumcut.gif (10901 bytes)

Instead of the track energy cut above, now I require the deposited energy (with angular correction)  in each layer to be < 0.00012.   Below is the residual plot with this cut in place.

plot4denormlayercut.gif (12964 bytes)

And the deposited energy in each layer again.

plot9denormlayercut.gif (12609 bytes)

Now, instead of either of the cuts above, I require the track deposited energy (all three layers, angular correction in place) <0.0003 and the deposited energy in layer 2 (with angular correction) to be between 0.00006 and 0.0001.   This picks out the tracks that form the min-I bump in layer 2 with the track deposited energy sum cut in place.  Below is plotted the residuals.

plot4desumlayer2cut.gif (12801 bytes)