Starting discussion, S. Manly - March 1999


This is work in progress and is not intended as a real proposal for doing alignment.  It is intended as something to get discussions started.  It is a starting place.  This folds in ideas from discussions at BNL on March 30.

Define coordinate system … standard x,y,z

define rotation angles for now (probably a convention I need to adopt. This will do for now):

a = angle of rotation around x axis        b = angle of rotation around y axis     g = angle of rotation around z axis

Some thoughts on alignment algorithm:

Align both the vertex detector and spectrometer internally before tying them together with vertex information.

Do top down alignment, i.e., vary larger detector elements first, work down to the smaller elements.

All movements (i.e., software corrections) must be physical. They should be consistent with that expected from the hardware design. If anything unphysical is needed, we need to step back and examine it carefully.

Vertex detector internal alignment

Top vertex detector: find vertex position on z-axis using something like current algorithm. First use course bins, then finer bins. Let this algorithm associate the hits for the layers of the top vertex detector for a given event. Preserve this association as one makes alignment iterations. Probably want to use mid-centrality events as the optimum compromise between more tracks versus more combinatorial background (must study this).

Top vertex detector: find y vertex position by measuring slope of 2d plot {(track z at z axis) vs. (track z at inner vtx layer)}

Top vertex detector: do what you can for x vertex postion. Use RHIC information if available and useful. Use top vertex detector pointing information if it is useful. Might use spectrometer information loosely. The absolute orientation and alignment of the vertex detector and spectrometer are good to some reasonable level from the design and survey. Might use x position as determined from spectrometer tracks with x position error blown up to represent uncertainty based on feasible movements within the absolute survey measurements.

Top vertex detector: remove inner-outer hit associations established above if the x position of the extrapolated track as it crosses the y vertex plane is inconsistent with x position from RHIC/spectrometer (loose) projection. There will be a broad swath of the projected track in x because of the large size of the silicon pad in x. This may not yield a useful cut.

Top vertex detector: recalculate vertex z position assuming the x and y positions above, i.e. make plot of projection of each inner-outer combination projected onto axis (parallel to z axis) at x,y found above. Picking the hits contributing to the maximum bin along new axis as associated hits, does this change any of the associations as specified initially? One should reevaluate z and y vertex positions at this point.

Top vertex detector diagnostic plots useful for alignment:

Take vertex position as fixed. Run track from vtx position through hit in inner layer. Extrapolate to outer layer and find residual for extrapolated track from actual associated hit in z. Plot the average residual as a function of vertex Z. Is this somewhat sensitive to absolute positions of inner and outer?

Alignment of top vertex detector internally:

For each track, have two hits and the vertex position. This is little information. It is easy to look at relative alignment of inner and outer layers. One can minimize the width of the vertex in z and y as the main criteria. Initially, vary one layer (which? Do hardware people have a preference?) in z and y to minimize vertex position error. Initially look at full inner/outer layer movements in z and y. Use diagnostic plots to see if there seems to be a problem with angles or a particular sensor. Look for a disagreement of vertex postion from given element with global vertex position (within statistics, plot residual for many events).

Do the same procedure for the bottom vertex detector.

Align top and bottom vertex detectors with respect to one another.

Is survey/design better for top or bottom or the same for both? Move one relative to the other (within reasonable hardware constraints and constraints coming from loose spectrometer information or RHIC information, if it is useful). Move to minimize (vtx z top - vtx z bottom) and (vtx y top - vtx y bottom). Vary z, y, b , g and I expect the error in x to be rather large at this point, so I doubt it will be terribly useful.

Is it possible to use cosmic rays to align top and bottom vertex detectors?

Spectrometer internal alignment

Align spectrometer internally:

Spectrometer/vertex detector relative alignment

Align spectrometer and vertex detector

Now, on an event-by-event basis, one can get the vtx x position and the vtx x postion error from the spectrometer. I expect this is better than that coming from the vertex detector (but have not shown this).

Questions for software people:

Questions for hardware people:

Questions for both:

Questions for RHIC:


Current project: