7/1/99 - Track swimming with phatpmc enabled

Below is a B=0 event reconstructed using Inkyu's straight line tracking (TrackSeedFinder) implemented for 16 layers.  What is shown are the hits from findable tracks and the found tracks.  Please note I've not yet tuned the tracking algorithm for the 16 layer tracking ... so one might expect the efficiency could be improved.


sltfound.gif (7870 bytes)

Below is the same B=0 event.  I used PMC to generate new tracks from the momenta of the track seeds above and plotted the newly generated tracks and hits.   The tracks were swum through the detector with all secondary production and energy loss mechanisms (except average dE/dx) turned off.  These tracks are the "ideal" track trajectories for comparison through residuals (after a dE/dx cut to remove low momentum reconstructed tracks).

sltswam.gif (9281 bytes)