<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% Set Connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Connection.Mode = adModeRead Connection.Open phdb_rd SQLStmt = "select cid.CHIP_ID,cid.CHIP_RUN,HYBRID_ID,HYBRID_CHIP_POS,cid.STATUS,cid.COMMENTS " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " from ASSEMBLY.ASM_CHIP_ID_DATA cid,ASSEMBLY.ASM_CHIP_BOND_ID cbi " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " where cbi.CHIP_RUN (+) = cid.CHIP_RUN " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " and cbi.CHIP_ID (+) = cid.CHIP_ID " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " and cid.status = 'UIC' " SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " order by cid.CHIP_RUN,cid.CHIP_ID " SQLStmt1 = "select count(CHIP_ID) as CHIP_COUNT from ASSEMBLY.ASM_CHIP_ID_DATA cid where cid.status='UIC' " Set RS = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt) Set RS1 = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt1) %> List of chips sent to UIC from MIT

List of Chips sent to UIC from MIT

There are <%= Cstr(RS1("CHIP_COUNT"))%> chips in this list

(Example: Chip_ID  003-4.5 refers to Wafer 003 , Row 4, Column 5 : this is the chip identification format received from the manufacturer.)

<% Do While Not RS.EOF %> <% RS.Movenext Loop %>



Mounted on Hybrid Pos Status Comments
<%=RS("CHIP_RUN")%> <%=RS("CHIP_ID")%> <% If IsNull(RS("HYBRID_ID")) Then Response.Write("Not Mounted") Else %>

"><%=RS("HYBRID_ID")%> <% End If %>

<% If IsNull(RS("HYBRID_CHIP_POS")) Then Response.Write("-") Else %> <%=RS("HYBRID_CHIP_POS")%> <% End If %> <%=RS("STATUS")%> <%=RS("COMMENTS")%>
<% Connection.Close %>