Assigning Chips to Hybrids


  1. This must be done on a machine with Oracle access enabled. At the moment, stringtester is the only MIT machine set up correctly.
  2. Start by running the file:
  3. Phobos-srv/Users/Phobos/Oracle Access/assembly_oracle_access

  4. Get password from a database expert
  5. Click on the Forms tab at the top of the window
  6. If you get an error, go back, click on the Tables tab at the top, then select Assembly Smod Readout (user:assembly, password(ask an expert). Close the window and select Forms tab again.
  7. Select Make Hybrid Form Spect (L or R)
  8. Try to use chips from the same wafer and matched for gain, minimum pedestal as well as avoiding big jumps in pedestal between the last and first channels on the chips. The chip ID is wafer-position. Chips within one string (1/2 of each hybrid) should be matched. Minimum pedestal (the only really critical one) should be +/- about 30-40 max within a string.
  9. 128 ch chips (MSDL/MSDR only) have a blank in the comments field
  10. You need to know how many chips to add (12 for MSD and MS3 hybrids, 16 for MS4 hybrids). Take care to notice where chip #0 is on the list and start there.
  11. You can use cut and paste or regular typing to enter Run # and Chip, hit RETURN to move up one chip number in the list.
  12. The display in the middle will update any time you enter a run number or chip ID of the chip in the last (highest numbered) entry. This update takes several minutes. One procedure that works well is to enter all but the last run number, then enter all chip ID’s. The program sits and thinks for a while and then displays all but the last chip in the middle display. Enter the info at the bottom left (see entry 12), and the last run number. You can check the chip list while the middle display updates.
  13. Enter Operator, Location, and any comments at bottom left
  14. When you have confirmed everything, click on Update Database Entry button at the bottom
  15. At the end you get asked many questions, answer yes to all except the last one about a printout
  16. Close the window and restart to enter another hybrid
  17. Go to the web page on hybrids:
  18. Phobos-srv->Detector->Assembly->Assembly Database->Hybrid Assembly Status (click on correct hybrid type)->Click on specific hybrid number->Click on Picture link in table next to Assign Chips to hybrid

  19. Print that page to give to Christiano for gluing and bonding


Checking Chip Assignment

Same procedure as above, except select Get Hybrid form

Changing Chip Assignment

  1. This is usually only required in the case of a damaged or missing chip
  2. Same procedure as above, except select Change Hybrid form
  3. Only enter information for the chips you are changing
  4. Click on button next to chip in the hybrid display to change
  5. Enter something in the highest numbered entry to get the display to update. Enter only run number if this chip didn’t change


Assigning Si Wafers and Hybrids to Modules

  1. Use the same procedure as above, except use the Module form to build module
  2. This is the first time a module name is created
  3. Make sure you enter sensors starting at Sensor # 0.
  4. For gluing, bond pattern 0 goes to the L hybrid, if two-hybrid module