Transport of Octagon Detector from Counting House to the Chemistry Building



I) Setup


  1. No jewelry, watches, or loose sleeves.
  2. Long hair tied, shoe laces tied.
  3. Shirts tucked in properly, nothing loose in shirt pockets.
  4. Floor cleared ( from Chemistry building to the car and in tunnel)
  5. All other people should be clear from the area
  6. No passage of anyone through the area during operation or crossing area to transportation.
  7. Only 1 person will speak at a time, usually the persons leading the action or the person who is performing a certain action ( releasing handles, pin in place, etc)
  8. Whenever someone sees a problem, then this person SHOULD SAY STOP. The response of the other people will be that they freeze. Action will only proceed after the person who issued the STOP has explained and the problem is resolved.
  9. Police escort ready in parking lot
  10. Arrangements have been made with Connie that no deliveries are made in parking lot.
  11. Hallways in counting house clear.


II) Transport from the Counting House to the Chemistry Building


Personnel: Alan, Birger, Mike, Rachid, Robert, Nigel, Bolek

Start position in counting house

  1. Assembled Octagon sitting on the table in middle of conference room
  2. Robert outside
  3. Doors completely open and secured
  4. MIT van backed up in parking lot - bubblewrap installed in center of van, rear gate open
  5. Birger and Rachid holds front handles, Alan rear handles
  6. Robert gives 'all clear' instruction
  7. Carriers proceed out to wooden platform and put octagon down.
  8. Mike and Nigel stand next to platform to take front, Alan takes rear end
  9. Birger & Rachid next to platform ready to take over from Alan.
  10. Carriers proceed forward
  11. Birger and Rachid reach under box and take over from Alan
  12. Proceed to van - Alan enters van
  13. Alan takes over from Nigel and Mike
  14. Octagon is placed onto cushioning material in van
  15. Rachid enters van from rear, Birger through right side.
  16. Alan closes rear door from outside.
  17. Bolek drives van - Alan is passenger.
  18. Mike, and Nigel drives to Chemistry to prepare
  19. Drive 5 mi/hour the following route: drive from the 1010 area via Brahms (clockwise). To Chemistry rear lot
  20. Van parked with rear facing corner door
  21. Rachid and Birger stays in van.


III) Preparations in Counting House

Personnel: Nigel and Mike

  1. Prop open corner door and door to Si lab.
  2. inspect and clear passage through hallway to table in Si lab


IV) Moving into Silicon lab

Start position: Robert controls area inside hallway. Everybody else near van

  1. Robert gives all clear signal
  2. Alan opens rear gate of van
  3. Rachid and Birger exits van
  4. Alan enter van through side door
  5. Birger and Rachid behind van take hold of handles, and Alan start lifting out
  6. Mike and Nigel reach in and lift under rear of box, move away from van
  7. Alan exits van and takes over rear handles
  8. Nigel walk in front – Mike in back
  9. Proceed through corner door, hallway into Si lab
  10. Octagon is placed into table