Here's some info from Peter Steinberg on the WA98 detector. All pads are
about 2 degrees wide in the azimuthal angle. There are 22 rings of pads.
The detector is made up of 4 quadrants. The quadrants overlap by one pad
phi-wedge (2 degrees) and are separated by 1mm in z.

Hi George -

I've included
1) pad radii in mm. the radius is the distance from the nominal center
to the center of the pad edge.
2) pad areas in mm^2

- Peter

pad_radii (inner and outer)
1 14.941 15.975
2 15.975 17.074
3 17.074 18.174
4 18.174 19.374
5 19.374 20.675
6 20.675 22.072
7 22.072 23.474
8 23.474 25.074
9 25.074 26.773
10 26.773 28.475
11 28.475 30.373
12 30.373 32.475
13 32.475 34.573
14 34.573 36.875
15 36.875 39.374
16 39.374 41.973
17 41.973 44.775
18 44.775 47.774
19 47.774 50.975
20 50.975 54.378
21 54.378 58.075
22 58.075 62..050

1 0.542
2 0.634
3 0.682
4 0.786
5 0.91
6 1.047
7 1.112
8 1.361
9 1.538
10 1.638
11 1.958
12 2.311
13 2.459
14 2.876
15 3.306
16 3.709
17 4.236
18 4.847
19 5.522
20 6.251
21 7.263
22 8.267