Young Researcher Symposium

"Young Researcher Symposium (YRS2014)"

Thursday, November 20, 2014, 9:00 am — Berkner Hall Auditorium

The third annual Young Researcher Symposium will bring together early career researchers (postdocs and graduate students) from a wide range of disciplines across BNL to exchange information and practice presenting their research work in a supportive scientific environment. This event will showcase the high value that young researchers bring to BNL through their research accomplishments and provide them an opportunity to explore potential research collaborations across the laboratory. Furthermore, it offers an excellent platform to demonstrate cutting edge BNL research activities to external audiences. Participation in this event is open to all BNL postdocs and graduate students. The entire lab community and external guests from DOE and neighboring institutions are invited to attend. The program includes both oral and poster presentations by BNL postdocs and graduate students, a career panel, and a reception.

Hosted by: Christina Swinson

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