C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar

""Spin Dynamics Modeling in the AGS Based on a Stepwise Ray-Tracing Method""

Presented by Yann Dutheil, BNL

Friday, March 27, 2015, 4:00 pm — Bldg 911B, Large Conf. Rm. Rm. A202

"The AGS provides a polarized proton beam to RHIC. The beam is accelerated in the AGS from Gγ = 4.5 to Gγ = 45.5 and the polarization transmission is critical to the RHIC spin program. In the recent years, various systems were implemented to improve the AGS polarization transmission. These upgrades include the double partial snakes configuration and the tune jumps system. However, 100 % polarization transmission through the AGS acceleration cycle is not yet reached. Understanding the sources of depolarization in the AGS is critical to improve the AGS polarized proton performances. The complexity of beam and spin dynamics, which is in part due to the specialized Siberian snake magnets, drove a strong interest for original methods of simulations. For that, the Zgoubi code, capable of direct particle and spin tracking through field maps, was used to model the AGS. The Zgoubi model of the AGS will be introduced and recent results obtained through multiturn tracking will be shown. Selected example will highlight the relevance of the Zgoubi simulations to improve the polarization transmission in the AGS."

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