Instrumentation Division Seminar

"The Future sPHENIX Detector at RHIC"

Presented by Edward O'Brien, BNL

Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 2:30 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 535

sPHENIX will be a large acceptance, high data-rate experiment containing hadronic and electromagnetic calorimetry. It will utilize the superconducting solenoid magnet from the decommissioned BaBar experiment and replace the existing PHENIX detector at RHIC. sPHENIX will be operating at the beginning of the next decade. The new detector will be optimized to measure jet and heavy quark production in AA, pA and pp collisions, and will be able investigate QGP dynamics in the RHIC-produced medium over key length and momentum scales. The detector design, physics program and project status will be described.

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