Center for Functional Nanomaterials Seminar

"Using Coherent Xrays to Probe Flow Patterns"

Presented by Julien Lhermitte, McGill University

Thursday, April 16, 2015, 10:00 am — CFN Bldg. 735 - Second Floor Conference Room B

Xray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) allows the measurement of dynamics on small length scales through the fluctuations of a far field diffraction pattern produced by micron sized partially coherent xray beams. I will describe the analysis of systems containing directed motion through two main topics. The first will be the measurement of velocity fields using a heterodyne technique. The second will be the use of a spatial extension to XPCS to probe flow gradients or strain fields. The deformation of a rubber polymer with Angstrom resolution over the course of a few seconds is measured. The experimental setup, data analysis and initial results will be presented, along with some discussion of the limitations and capabilities.

Hosted by: Kevin Yager

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