HET Seminar

"Flavor Physics in Lattice QCD as a Window into BSM Physics: |Vcb| and the B -> D* l nu Semileptonic Decay"

Presented by Alejandro Vaquero, University of Utah

Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 2:30 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Flavor physics provides a rich variety of phenomena that can be used to probe the SM without requiring the high energies present only in the largest particle accelerators. Among the quantities that could be employed to perform precision test of the SM, the CKM matrix elements takes up a prominent place. This lecture deals with the |V_{cb}| CKM matrix element, whose determinations through inclusive and exclusive decays currently display a 2\sigma discrepancy, and show how lattice QCD methods can reduce the uncertainty in the theoretical estimates and rule out (or not) the existence of unknown physics at play.

Hosted by: Aaron Meyer

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