virtual NT/RIKEN seminar

"Does eta/s depend on EoS?"

Presented by Pasi Huovinen, Institute of Physics Belgrade

Friday, August 28, 2020, 9:00 am — Webcast

Extracting the shear viscosity of quark-gluon plasma from experimental data has been one of the major goals of heavy-ion physics, leading to very low values of eta/s = 1-2/4pi. Most of these works have been done using by now outdated EoS parametrization, and I'll discuss how and whether the use of contemporary EoS affects the extracted EoS in a full-fledged Bayesian analysis. I will also discuss whether the minimum value of eta/s depends on how the temperature dependence of eta/s is parametrised.


Hosted by: Nikhil Karthik

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