HET Seminar

"Dark Matter in Stars and Planets"

Presented by Rebecca Leane, SLAC

Thursday, February 4, 2021, 4:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)

Abstract: I will discuss new ways that stars and planets can be used to discover Dark Matter (DM). This includes a new search for sub-GeV DM in exoplanets, where DM scatters, becomes captured, deposits annihilation energy, and increases the heat flow within exoplanets. I will discuss upcoming infrared telescope sensitivity to this scenario, detailing actionable discovery or exclusion searches, which lead to new tests of the DM-proton and DM-electron scattering cross sections. I will also discuss a new type of annihilation signal, which exploits the large Galactic center population of neutron stars and brown dwarfs.

Hosted by: Julia Gehrlein

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