Hybrid RBRC seminar

"CFT in Momentum Space, Anomalies, and the Nonlocal Conformal Anomaly Action"

Presented by Claudio Coriano, National Institute for Nuclear Physics - INFN

Thursday, July 20, 2023, 12:30 pm — Bldg. 510, Room 2-160

Abstract: Momentum space methods in CFT allow to decribe quite efficiently the correlators containing insertions of stress energy tensor (T) and/or axial vector currents, and affected by conformal and chiral anomalies. Analysis have been performed up to 4-point functions (4T). The hierarchy of the conformal Ward identities (CWIs) constraining such correlation functions have been investigated using both free field theory realizations and, nonperturbatively, using their CWIs. For instance, it has been shown that dual conformal invariance in momentum space and CWIs allows to fix also 4-point functions, beside the cases of 3. By this approach it has also been shown the inconsistency of anomaly induced actions in the Riegert and in the Fradkin-Vilkovisky beyond 3-point functions. Corrections to these actions play a significant role in the analysis of the conformal backreaction and the production of gravitational waves in early universe cosmology. We will overview the methodology and the main results in this area, and the central role played by anomaly poles in determining the structure of these interactions.

Hosted by: Nobuyuki Matsumoto

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