RBRC seminar

"Parton Distributions from Boosted Fields in the Coulomb Gauge"

Presented by Dr. Xiang Gao, Argonne National Lab

Thursday, September 14, 2023, 12:30 pm — Bldg. 510, room 2-160

Abstract: Over the past years, among the other methods proposed, LaMET has made significant progress in the calculation of PDFs and pioneered the studies of 3D partonic structures from Lattice QCD. In this talk, we will discuss a new method to calculate PDFs from correlations of boosted quarks and gluons in the Coulomb gauge. Compared to the widely used quasi-PDFs defined from gauge-invariant Wilson-line operators, such correlations offer advantages including absence of linear power divergence, enhanced long-range precision, and accessibility to larger off-axis momenta. We verify the validity of this method at next-to-leading order in perturbation theory and use it to calculate the pion valence quark PDF on a lattice with spacing 0.06 fm and valence pion mass 300 MeV.

Hosted by: Nobuyuki Matsumoto

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