Hybrid RBRC seminar

"Sampling Problems in Glass Physics and Related Topics"

Presented by Misaki Ozawa, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Physics, Univ. Grenoble

Thursday, September 28, 2023, 12:30 pm — Bldg. 510, Room 2-160

Abstract: Glasses are ubiquitous in our daily lives. Despite over 70 years of intensive research, the true nature of glass remains elusive. Moreover, the field of glass physics has strong connections to other disciplines. Concepts and theoretical techniques developed within glass physics have also influenced fields such as biology, chemistry, and computer science. From a computational standpoint, the challenge of deciphering the mysteries of glass is tied to complex sampling and simulation problems. In this talk, I will initially provide a pedagogical overview of glass physics and related topics. Subsequently, I will focus on the computational aspects of the glass problem, elucidating the core issues and discussing recent developments. However, extracting GPDs from these data is a challenge. Indeed, the deconvolution problem is much more challenging than in the case of PDFs. I will explain why, and provide some ideas on how to mitigate systematic uncertainties coming from the deconvolution procedure. In the end, we expect that integrated phenomenology software like PARTONS or GeParD will play a key role in the future of GPD phenomenology.

Hosted by: Manu Kurian, Raza Sufian

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