Physics Colloquium

"Cosmic Acceleration and Gravity Modified at Largest Observable Distances"

Presented by Georgi Dvali, New York University

Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

In this talk I will review an idea that cosmic acceleration isn't caused by dark energy after all, but by modification of laws of gravity at cosmological distances. I will discuss explicit models of self-consistent modification and their predictions. In such theories the cosmological evolution gets dramatically modified at the "crossover"
scale, usually exhibiting a "self-accelerated" expansion, which can be differentiated from Dark Energy scenarios by precision cosmology. However, unlike the latter scenarios, theories of modified-gravity are extremely constrained (and potentially testable) by the precision gravitational measurements at much shorter scales.

Hosted by: Morgan May

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