Nuclear Physics & RIKEN Theory Seminar

"Charge Transfer Fluctuations as a QGP Formation"

Presented by Sangyong Jeon, McGill University

Friday, July 15, 2005, 2:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

In this talk, I will argue that the charge transfer fluctuation can be used as a signal for QGP formation. Unlike the net charge fluctuation, the charge transfer fluctuation is sensitive to the changes in the {\em local} property of the underlying system. Hence even if the overall QGP content is small, the presence of it can be detected if it is concentrated in a small (pseudo-rapidity) region. In the ideal case, the charge transfer fluctuation can be used to locate the created QGP and measure the extent (in pseudo-rapidity) of it. I will also talk about what a limited-acceptance experiment such as STAR should see.

Hosted by: Kirill Tuchin

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