Physics Colloquium

"Resolving Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and CP Degeneracy by Two Identical Detectors with Different Baselines - Dectectors in Kamioka and Korea for the JPARC Neutrino Beam"

Presented by Takaaki Kajita, University of Tokyo, Japan

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

We explore the possibility of simultaneous determination of neutrino mass hierarchy and the leptonic CP violating phase by using two identical detectors placed at different baseline distances. We focus on a possible experimental setup using neutrino beam with 4MW of beam power from J-PARC facility in Tokai village in Japan and megaton (Mton)-class water Cherenkov detectors, Hyper-Kamiokande (HK),
one placed in Kamioka with a baseline of 295 km, and the other at somewhere in Korean peninsula with a baseline of about 1000 km. We demonstrate, under reasonable assumptions of systematic uncertainties, the two detector complex with each fiducial volume of 0.27 Mton has potential of resolving neutrino mass hierarchy up to
sin^2 2\theta_{13} > 0.02 and at the same time has the sensitivity to CP violation by electron neutrino appearance
measurement with 4 years of neutrino and 4 years of
anti-neutrino beams. The significantly enhanced sensitivity reflects cancellation of systematic uncertainties between two identical detectors which
receive the neutrino beam with the same energy spectrum
in the absence of oscillation under our experimental set up.

Hosted by: Larry Trueman

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