Nuclear Physics Seminar

"What Can We Learn from a U+U Program at RHIC?"

Presented by Anthony Kuhlman, Ohio State University

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Full overlap collisions between large, deformed nuclei, such as U, provide an opportunity to examine a number of unresolved issues from RHIC. These collisions are capable of producing energy densities up to 60\% larger than those in central Au+Au collisions, yielding an outstanding laboratory to test the ideal hydrodynamic behavior of $v_2 $. In addition, in edge-on-edge collisions, the 25\% deformation allows the path length dependence of parton energy loss to be tested to large transverse momenta. We illustrate the advantages to be gained from the implementation of a U+U program at RHIC with a number
of quantitative calculations and provide a Monte Carlo simulation which demonstrates the results to be expected from such a program. This work is supported by the Department of Energy.

Hosted by: Frank Laue

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