Particle Physics Seminar

"First Neutrino Disappearance Results from MINOS"

Presented by Mark Dierckxsens, BNL - Physics Department

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The NuMI beamline shoots a beam of muon neutrinos in the direction of a large detector located 735km away. By compairing the measured spectrum with the spectrum observed in a detector close to the production target, MINOS will be able to make precise neutrino oscillation measurements. The
NuMI beamline was commisioned early 2005, and delivered in total 1.4x10^20 protons-on-target during the first year of running. During this talk, the first neutrino disappearance analysis using 0.93x10^20 protons-on-target will be discussed

Hosted by: L. Littenberg

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