Particle Physics Seminar

"Minimum Bias and Underlying Event Studies at ATLAS"

Presented by Arthur Moraes, BNL - Physics Department

Thursday, June 8, 2006, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

High-energy hadron collisions are a combination of soft and hard processes. Although perturbative QCD is successful in describing hard partonic interactions it cannot be applied to soft processes. Alternative approaches are therefore required to describe the soft component of hadron collisions. In this seminar I will review ATLAS studies on Monte Carlo generators (e.g. PYTHIA, HERWIG and PHOJET) used to describe soft interactions in hadron-hadron
collisions. Based on a wide range of minimum bias and underlying event measurements I will discuss how effective these models are in describing the data, and how reliable are their predictions to the LHC. I will also give an update on the preparations to measure minimum bias and the underlying event associated to jet production at ATLAS.

Hosted by: Hong Ma

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