Instrumentation Division Seminar

"Highlights of the VI International Meeting on Front End Electronics"

Presented by Grzegorz Deptuch, BNL, Instr. Division

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 2:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 535

International Meeting on Front End Electronics is a conference focused on advanced front-end electronics mainly for high energy physics applications. The first meeting was held in Yellowstone in 1992 and since then the meeting has gone back and forth between the US and Europe every 2 or 3 years, with the last one held in Snowmass in 2003. This year meeting took place in Perugia, Italy, from May 17th to May 20th. The meeting topics includes circuit designs for: pixel and silicon strip readout devices, calorimeter front-end, monolithic readout devices (MAPS), nuclear, medical, and space applications, deep submicron circuit design and radiation tolerance and new ideas for front end designs. Highlights of the meeting will be presented.

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