Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Evidence for Strong Dominance of Proton-Neutron Correlations in Nuclei"

Presented by Mark Strikman, Penn State University

Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Recent data from high-momentum-transfer (p,pp) and (p,ppn) reactions on Carbon by the E-850 AGS experiment are analysed. Our analysis demonstrates that observed rate of (p,2p) reaction requires presence of significant high momentum component in nuclei. At the same time we find that the removal of a proton from the nucleus with initial momentum 275-550 MeV/c is $92^{+8}_{-18}%$ of the time accompanied by the emission of a correlated neutron that carries momentum roughly equal and opposite to the initial proton momentum. The data indicate that the probabilities of $pp$ or $nn$ SRCs in the nucleus are at least a factor of six smaller than that of $pn$ SRCs. Our result is the first experimental information of the isospin structure of NN-SRCs in nucleon and may have important implication for modeling the equation of state of cold nuclear matter and modeling some features of RHIC physics. We review also other information on SRC from hard processes, and prospects of the further studies in this field.

Hosted by: Raju Venugopalan

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