Particle Physics Seminar

"The Running CERN Axion Helioscope CAST"

Presented by Konstantin Zioutas, CERN

Thursday, October 19, 2006, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The theoretical and astrophysical motivation behind the celebrated axions will be introduced. The Primakoff effect borrowed from the traditional particle physics drives the production and detection of (solar) axions. The working principle of CAST, à la Sikivie (1983) & van Bibber et al. (1989), is the same as that of the pioneering helioscope in BNL some 20 years ago. Eversince we witness the birth of axion astrophysics. The ongoing CAST 2nd phase with refraction gas in the magnetic pipes of the recycled LHC test magnet will be presented. As a 3rd generation telescope, CAST's performance has been optimised considerably as it can be seen from the obtained first results. If time allows it, the inspiring question will be followed as to whether the CAST conceptual design is already at work --even fine tuned-- in the ubiquitous solar magnetic fields.

Hosted by: Yannis Semertzidis

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