Physics Colloquium

"PASER: Particle Acceleration by Simulated Emission of Radiation"

Presented by Levi Schachter, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The presentation starts with a brief review of so called advanced acceleration concepts followed by a detailed explanation of the concept of particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation (PASER). At the end the proof-of-principle experiment performed at ATF will be described. Its essence is the injection of a 45MeV electron
macro-bunch modulated by a high-power CO2 laser and then injected into an excited CO2 gas mixture. The emerging micro-bunches experienced a 0.15% relative change in the kinetic-energy, in less than 40cm long interaction region. According to our experimental results, a fraction of these electrons have gained more than 200keV each, implying that
such an electron has undergone an order of magnitude of 2,000,000 collisions of the second kind. No prior knowledge on acceleration physics will be assumed.

Hosted by: Michael Creutz

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