Physics Colloquium

"Search for Gluonic Excitations in Light Unconventional Mesons"

Presented by Paul Eugenio, Florida State University

Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Studies of meson spectra via strong decays provide insight regarding QCD at the conïnement scale. These studies have led to phenomenological models for QCD such as the constituent quark model. However, QCD allows for a much richer spectrum of meson states which include extra states such as exotics, hybrids, multi-quarks, and glueballs. First, a discussion on the status of exotic meson searches is given followed by a discussion of plans at Jefferson Lab to double the energy of the machine to 12 GeV, which will allow the access photoproduction of mesons in search for gluonic excited states.

Hosted by: Michael Creutz

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