Larry Leipuner Symposium

"Celebrating the Physics of Larry Leipuner (1928-2006)"

Presented by William Morse, BNL - Physics Department

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 1:00 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Welcome by Bill Morse, BNL

Reminiscences of Larry by Robert K. Adair, Sterling Professor of Physics Emeritus, Yale University

Remarks by Myron Campbell, Chairman of the Physics Department, University of Michigan

Remarks by Allen Sessoms, President of Delaware State University

Remarks by Peter Wanderer, BNL

Further Reminiscences

3:00 pm Coffee and Cookies

3:30 pm Physics Dept. Colloquium by Michael Schmidt, Yale University

“Larry Leipuner as a Mentor, and a Tale of Two Lifetimes”

Contact Bill Morse (x3859 or if you are interested in joining us for a buffet dinner following the Symposium.

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