Atmospheric Sciences Division Seminar

"Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Characterization of Organic Particles in the Field"

Presented by Jose Jimenez, University of Colorado

Monday, March 5, 2007, 11:00 am — Building 815E, Conference Room

Aerosols (small particles suspended in air) play major roles in climate forcing and the hydrological cycle, and also on human health effects, visibility degradation, and deposition of acids, toxics, and nutrients to ecosystems. Organic compounds account for a large fraction (~40%) of ambient submicron aerosol mass, but their sources and transformation processes are poorly understood. The Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS) have emerged as powerful tools for the characterization of organic aerosols due to their sensitivity, speed, and quantitative ability. Recent AMS developments will be summarized, including the high-resolution time-of-flight AMS (HR-ToF-AMS) and its first aircraft deployment, the thermal denuder AMS, new component analysis techniques for AMS spectra, and a detailed intercomparison with the PILS-WSOC technique. Results from several recent field campaigns will be presented, including SOAR-1 in Riverside, the MILAGRO campaigns in Mexico City, and the FLAME biomass burning campaign. Secondary organic aerosols from anthropogenic precursors are greatly underestimated by current models, and SOA likely accounts for most of the organic aerosol mass in the polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Hosted by: Larry Kleinman

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