Particle Physics Seminar

"Standard Model: Higgs in the ZH --> l^+ l^- bb Channel at CDF II"

Presented by Jonathan Efron, Ohio State University

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

We search for the Higgs Boson in 1 fb^-1 from the process ZH-> l^+l^- bb in both ee and mm channels. These channels have a small background of mostly real Z + jets events due to the requirement of two leptons and a Z mass constraint. We correct the two candidate Higgs jets with an artificial neural network which assigns missing transverse energy (MET) to the jets according to their MET projections and relative f. To maintain signal efficiency and improve signal discrimination, we employ an additional neuralnetwork trained to discriminate event kinematics of ZH compared to the main Z + jets background and the kinematically different tt background. We set an upper limit on s(ZH)*BR(H->bb) from 100-150 GeV/c^2 . At 115 GeV/c ^2, we set a limit of 1.3 pb, which is 16 times the SM expectation.

Hosted by: Hong Ma

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