Cosmology Seminar

"Technology of the LSST Focal Plane"

Presented by Paul O'Connor, BNL - Instrumentation

Monday, June 25, 2007, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, now in the research and development phase, will undertake a wide angle, deep survey of the entire southern sky starting in 2014. The survey database will support a wide variety of astrophysical investigations, with particular emphasis on elucidating the nature of dark energy. To achieve its science goals, LSST will incorporate a silicon-based focal plane with unprecedented size (3 Gigapixel), speed (2s readout), and sensitivity (high QE over 350-1000nm wavelength). The technologies to be used in the LSST camera are described, with an emphasis on the silicon sensors and ASIC readout electronics.

Hosted by: John Haggerty

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