Particle Physics Seminar

"Searches for New Physics at BaBar"

Presented by Swagato Banerjee, University of Victoria

Thursday, March 20, 2008, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Our understanding of Particle Physics is based upon certain symmetries of the Nature, eg. CP, CPT, Lepton Flavor Number. Violation of these symmetry predictions can be interpreted as signatures of New Physics, which could also appear in Flavor Changing Neutral currents that are forbidden at the tree level in the Standard Model. Prospects of discovery of New Physics in e+e- flavor factory are presented from recent results by the BaBar Collaboration in searches of CP Violation in charm decays, CPT violation in B0-B0bar oscillations, CP and Isospin asymmetry in B->X(s,d) gamma, Forward-Backward Assymetry in B->K*ll, search for
B->Knunu, searches for B->ll(gamma), B->lnu, B->ltau, B->taunu, B->D*taunu,
B->Kmutau and searches for lepton flavor violation in tau
decays to lgamma, lll, lpi0, leta, leta', lomega (where l=e,mu).

Hosted by: Mary Bishai

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