Particle Physics Seminar

"Combined Higgs Results from D0"

Presented by Alexander Khanov, Oklahoma State University

Thursday, February 21, 2008, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The Higgs particle is the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particles and fields. Its discovery may shed light on the fundamental question of the origin of mass. The Tevatron experiments are actively searching for the Standard Model Higgs, and we expect to be able to discover the Higgs boson or to rule out its existence in a wide range of masses in the very near future. I will describe the current status of the searches for the Standard Model Higgs at the D0 experiment at the Tevatron collider, show the recent limits (including combination with CDF), and discuss our perspectives.

Hosted by: Abid Patwa

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