Particle Physics Seminar

"After the Standard Model"

Presented by Gustaaf Brooijmans, Columbia University

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

From a particle physics point of view, the past thirty years
can rightfully be
considered as the golden age of the standard model.
Both the theoretical and
experimental knowledge of the structure of the
strong and electroweak interactions
have reached impressive levels of
precision, and the agreement between experimental
results and
theoretical predictions is stunning.

The standard model doesn't tell us
anything about the nature of the
particles whose interactions it describes however.
We hope that data
taken at the LHC starting in 2008 will allow us to develop some

understanding of the origin of particle properties. In this seminar,
the expected
reach of the ATLAS experiment for a number of
non-supersymmetric models of new
physics will be reviewed.

Hosted by: Abid Patwa

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