Physics Colloquium

"More Neutrinos + More Space Dimensions = More^2 New Physics Possibilities"

Presented by Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Taken at face value, the world's set of neutrino oscillation data points to both new physics and more than three neutrinos. New physics relevant to interpretations of this data set includes extra space dimensions, superluminal velocities, and broken Lorentz invariance.
Present data aside, these new avenues of investigation provide a richness of novel possibilities, accessible to neutrino experiments. Most dramatic is the possibility of using a sterile neutrino beam to communicate with the past or future. I will discuss present data and concomitant possible new physics. WARNING: Some of content of this talk may not be appropriate for some people.

Hosted by: Bill Morse

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