Nuclear Physics Seminar

"New Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments at BNL"

Presented by Richard L. (Dick) Hahn, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

I will discuss the physics motivation and current status of two major new efforts in neutrino physics: (1) The Daya Bay experiment has the goal of detecting oscillations of antineutrinos emitted by the Daya Bay nuclear reactors in order to make a high-precision measurement of the unknown mixing angle, theta-13. (2) SNO+ plans to use the existing SNO experimental setup, including the 12-meter acrylic vessel, the ~10,000 PMT's, and the DAQ, to search for neutrinoless double beta-decay in 150Nd. A common link between these two experiments is our development of new metal-loaded liquid scintillators (M-LS) as the neutrino detectors, Gd-LS for Daya Bay and Nd-LS for SNO+.

Hosted by: Rachid Nouicer

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