Particle Physics Seminar

"The Observation and Properties of the Tau-Neutrino: Results from DONuT"

Presented by George Tzanakos, University of Athens, Greece

Thursday, May 1, 2008, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The tau-neutrino was postulated to exist after the discovery of the tau-lepton in 1975. The first  CC interactions were observed in 2000 by the DONuT experiment at Fermilab, which also set a limit on the  magnetic moment. Electron positron collider experiments studied the tau-lepton decays and measured the Michel parameters, the tau lifetime, and the number of the light neutrino species. In addition a direct upper limit of the tau-neutrino mass was measured. I will present results from the DONuT experiment and the properties of the tau-neutrino resulting from both the DONuT experiment and meausurements of the tau decays in electron – positron collider experiments.

Hosted by: Mary Bishai

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